Friday, September 23, 2016

On Hugs and Crossing that Line

During the protests in Charlotte this week, this man made the news for giving free hugs. To police officers. Suited up in riot gear. In front of his boys, too!

What's this have to do with criminal defense?  Here it is:

This man crossed that line. The line separating protester and police and he did it to show kindness and compassion to the latter. In doing so, he took a lot of heat from some of his fellow protesters. "How do you hug those people?" or "Don't you know those people are bad for society?". He had to know those criticisms would be coming, but he did it anyway.  Why? I suppose because he thought it might do some good in a world too quick to label one cause good, and another evil.

As a criminal defense attorney, we also cross a line of sorts every day. We cross the line into court rooms, jail cells and crime scenes with compassion and a determination to defend those who society has marked for separation.  In doing so, we take heat from our neighbors, friends, and 3rd cousins we don't like very much anyway.  "How do you defend THOSE people?" they ask incredulously. Or, "I could never defend someone who I know is guilty." they state unequivocally. We know those questions are inevitable.

But we do this work anyway. Hopefully it does some good in a justice system intent on prematurely labeling one person good, and another evil.